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why we have chins: researchers contend chin comes from evolution, not mechanical forcesby richard c. lewis , university of iowa
we have one feature that primates, neanderthals, archaic humans—any species, for that matter—don
in some way, it seems trivial, but a reason why chins are so interesting is we
new research led by holton and colleagues at the ui posits that our chins dont come from mechanical forces such as chewing, but instead results from an evolutionary adaptation involving face size and shape—possibly linked to changes in hormone levels as we became more societally domesticated.
the finding, if true, may help settle a debate thats gone on intermittently for more than a century why modern humans have chins and how they came to be.
using advanced facial and cranial biomechanical analyses with nearly 40 people whose measurements were plotted from toddlers to adults, the ui team concludes mechanical forces, including chewing, appear incapable of producing the resistance needed for new bone to be created in the lower mandible, or jaw area. rather, they write in a paper published online in the journal of anatomy, it appears the chin
b. 科学家和爱动物人士的争议
4.作文学生减负的观点(400 words)40
英译汉on poetry in its relation to our age and country节选
译文:the internet and social media platforms have become the main channels through which the public gets information. to attract views, the feeds of many news apps are filled with thin content with catchy titles – aka clickbait. some outlets repost popular videos after stitching clips together and changing the file bitrates so that they won news report by combining popular co

ntent, and these news pieces usually have extensive reach. such approaches undermine journalists who pursue authenticity and the creation of original articles, leading to high-quality content being sidelined by poor-quality clickbait. as a result, it’s harder for us to quickly find original, in-depth content and insights that feature a unique viewpoint. moreover, the public may gradually lose its ability to make well-informed judgments and think critically if they’re overwhelmed by junk news feeds.
fortunately, ai technology can address false news reports and stories from unknown sources. duke reporters lab maintains a database of over 100 fact-checking sites. users can report fact-checks and use ai to check whether news pieces are copies or re-edited versions of other content. and leading internet search engines are introducing functions that checks for copies in videos and news photos. attempts at using ai to protect original journalism can encourage the healthy development of media outlets, and encourage journalists to focus on investigative articles and insights.
